We believe in your innate power to heal



We work towards increasing your capacity for meaningful connection in your relationships by melting any emotional barriers that block you from giving and receiving care. 



Through the caring bond developed in the therapeutic relationship, we give you a new experience with your emotions – one where they are held, nurtured, acknowledged, and seen for the first time.


Culturally Aware

We undo your lonely experience of being culturally, racially, or ethnically “different” through relating on our shared experiences.

By slowing down with your feelings, we heal from the inside out

  • Through focusing on the emotional experiences rather than the thoughts, we help you slow down enough to experience any feelings that might be repressed and causing you distress. We give you the tools needed to fully feel, release, and move through the challenging emotions that hold you back from reaching your goals.

  • Through the integration of neuroscience, attachment theory, and body-focused approaches, we help you identify the tough emotions that you might be avoiding or bypassing, and enable you to safely access the core feelings that lie underneath

  • Through understanding, making space for, and interacting with the child parts of you, we work towards healing any young pain that still shows up today. Through finally giving your younger self the support that was needed back then, we increase fulfillment in your adult life today.

  • We track the body’s sensations to help you access, move through, and release your emotions in a healthy way. Through unblocking trapped emotions, we create space for new feelings and experiences.


Not sure which method will work best for you?


Our team of skilled clinicians will help you figure it out.